Chapter 2 Committee of the Examination and Review of Disputes

Article 9
In order to examine and review insurance disputes, the central competent authority has created the Labor Insurance Dispute Evaluation Committee (hereinafter referred to as LIDEC). The committee shall consist of eleven to fifteen members. One committee member shall serve as the convener. The Head of the central competent authority shall appoint or assign on a part-time basis either the Deputy Head of the central competent authority or an official at the ranking of selected appointment. Other committee members shall be recruited (appointed) on a part-time basis from those with the following qualifications:
1. Two to four people with at least three years of experience as an assistant professor in law, social insurance, insurance, social welfare or labor studies.
2. Two people with at least three years of experience as a judge, lawyer or civil servant having conducted legal affairs with the ranking of selected appointment.
3. Three to five people with at least three years of experience as an assistant professor in a medical school or an attending physician in a regional hospital or higher and qualified as specialist physician in occupational medicine.
4. Two people currently working in the competent authority of labor insurance with the ranking of selected appointment.The gender ratio for both sexes in the committee shall not fall below 1/3.The maximum term of service for the committee members described in the preceding paragraph shall be 2 years; at the end of each term, the term may be extended on a part-time basis by being recruited (or appointed).
5. One representative from the labor group.
The gender ratio for both sexes in the committee shall not fall below 1/3.The maximum term of service for the committee members described in the preceding paragraph shall be 2 years; at the end of each term, the term may be extended on a part-time basis by being recruited (or appointed).
Article 10
The Convener shall be responsible for convening the meeting of the Committee of E&R and shall be the chairperson of the meeting.
If the Chairperson for any reason cannot chair the meeting, members of the Committee of E&R will mutually elect one member to serve as the meeting chairperson.
Article 11
It has to have over 1/2 members of the Committee of E&R attending the meeting while the meeting is held. To execute the resolution matter must be agreed by over 1/2 attendant member. The chairman will make when the votes for approving and disapproving are the same, then the decision.
The voting method of preceding paragraph is raising hand or calling, it can be voted in unnamed when in the need.
Article 12
The Committee of E&R, the members of the Committee of E&R have to attend personally and cannot appoint representative in the meeting. In case the member cannot attend personally, he (she) can submit written opinion and the chairman will report it for him (her), but the chairman cannot vote for him (her).
Article 13
The meeting of Committee of E&R will be held once half a month in principle, it can be called for meeting provisionally when it is need.
Article 14
When the meeting of the Committee of E&R is held, it can invite BLI or related personnel to attend as nonvoting delegates for explanations.
If Applicants requests for presenting a statement with a justifiable reason, the review meeting shall grant an opportunity for Applicants to present a statement at a designated place.
Article 15
when the meeting of the Committee of E&R is held, it can invite experts who are defined in Article 20 paragraph 1 to attend as nonvoting delegates to explain.
Data Source:Ministry of Labor / Law Source Retrieving System Labor Laws And Regulations