Chapter 2 Procedure for acceptance of complaints by the local competent authority

Article 3
The complaint filed by the complainant pursuant to Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article shall be reviewed by the Gender Equality Work Committee of the local competent authority pursuant to the Regulations.
Article 4
The Gender Equality Work Committee of the local competent authority, which conducts the review pursuant to the preceding Article, shall make a decision within 3 months upon acceptance of the complaint, the period of which may be extended once if necessary, provided that the extension shall be no longer than 3 months and the complainant shall be notified by the local competent authority .
Article 5
After filing a complaint with the local competent authority, the complainant may withdraw the complaint before a decision is made. After withdrawing the complaint, the complainant may not file a complaint on the same matter again.
Data Source:Ministry of Labor / Law Source Retrieving System Labor Laws And Regulations