Chapter 3 Permit Validity Period and Inspection Management

Article 12
The permit for the Controlled Chemical shall specify the following items:
1.The permit number, issue date and expiration date.
2.The name of the handler and registered address.
3.The name of the handling site and address.
4.The permitted handling conditions
(1)The name of the Controlled Chemical
(2)The handling activity and use
5.Other notes.
Article 13
The permit pursuant to the preceding article is valid for five years. The central competent authority may, when deemed necessary, shorten the validity period to three years depending on the hazardous properties or the handling activity of the Controlled Chemicals.
If a handler will still have the need for handling by the end of validity period pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the handler shall apply for a new permit in accordance with Article 7 three to six months before the end of the validity period.
Article 14
A handler who has obtained the permit shall comply with the following provisions:
1.From April to September each year, the actual handling information as specified in Appendix 3 shall be periodically updated and registered on the designated information website pursuant to Article 7.
2.The permit issued pursuant to the preceding article and relevant application information shall be retained for future reference for at least five years.
3.The work’s exposure information as developed based on the following provisions shall be retained for future reference for at least ten years:
(1)The workers’ names.
(2)The general operation information and operating period.
(3)The workers’ exposure conditions.
(4)Other matters as designated by the central competent authority.
Article 15
Within the permit validity period, if there is a change to any of the following items, a handler shall file the change on the designated information website pursuant to Appendix 4 within 30 days from the date the change occurs:
1.The name of the handler or the responsible person.
2.The name of the handling site or address.
Within the permit validity period, a handler under any of the following circumstances, shall apply for a new permit pursuant to Article 7:
1.There is a change to the handling activity or the use.
2.The change of the first subparagraph of the preceding paragraph is related to the change of the entity of the handler.
3.The advisory committee determines that the change to the address of the second subparagraph of the preceding paragraph carries a risk.
Article 16
Where a permit is lost or damaged, an application may be made for reissuance pursuant to Appendix 5 on the designated information website.
Article 17
The central competent authority and labor inspection agencies may conduct inspection according to a handler’s handling and management status. When engaging in any of the following violations, the handler who has been ordered to undertake timely correction actions, but fails to do so, or where the circumstances constitute a serious offense, the central competent authority may revoke or cancel its permits and suspend its handling activities in whole or in part within a prescribed time.
1.Violating Article 14 or Article 15.
2.Failing to have the handling conditions consistent with the permit.
3.Evading, obstructing, or refusing the inspection by the central competent authority or labor inspection agencies.
Article 18
When a handler suspends the business, or the documents certifying industrial/commercial registration have been voided or revoked, the handler shall report to the central competent authority.
The central competent authority after having learned of the situation of preceding paragraph, shall cancel the permit.
Data Source:Ministry of Labor / Law Source Retrieving System Labor Laws And Regulations