Chapter 3 Procedures for Medical Institutions to Apply for Accreditation

Article 7
The central competent authority may periodically announce the acceptance of applications for approval of medical institutions.
Those who apply for the approval of accredited medical institutions in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 shall have the following documents and submit them to the central competent authority:
1. Application Form.
2. A copy of the business license of the medical institution.
3. Photocopies of supporting documents that meet the requirements of Articles 3 to the preceding article.
4. service plan.
5. Other documents stipulated by the central competent authority.
The service plan stipulated in Paragraph 4 of the preceding provision shall specify the tasks, composition and operation procedures of the following organizations:
1. Occupational injury and disease medical committees or groups referred to in Paragraph 3 of Article 3.
2. An integrated service center for the diagnosis and treatment of occupational injuries and diseases referred to in Paragraph 4 of Article 3.
If the documents mentioned in Paragraph 2 are not ready, the central competent authority may notify them to make corrections within a time limit; Those who do not make corrections within the time limit will not be accepted.
Article 8
In order to process the approval of medical institutions, the central competent authority shall form a review team for the approval of medical institutions (hereinafter referred to as the Review Team) with the following tasks:
1. Consultation on the approval policy of medical institutions.
2. Matters subject to consideration by medical institutions.
3. Review matters of the approved qualification revocation or annulment for medical institutions.
Article 9
The Review Team shall consist of seven to eleven members, and the central competent authority shall designate one representative from the agency as the convener; the remaining members shall be selected and hired by the central competent authority for professionals in occupational medicine, public health, occupational safety health, and law.
The term of the team members referred to in the preceding paragraph is three-year, and they may be re-appointed upon expiration; if vacancies arise during the term, they may be re-appointed, and their term will expire on the date of expiry of the original term.
For the members of Paragraph 1, the ratio of any gender shall not be less than one-third.
Article 10
At the meeting of the Review Team, the convener shall be the chairman; if the convener fails to attend, one member shall be elected as the chairman by the members present.
The meeting of the Review Team shall be attended by more than half of all the members before the meeting can be held, and its decision shall be approved by more than half of the members present.
Article 11
The withdrawal of committee members or relevant personnel participating in the deliberation, and the prohibition of contact outside the procedure, shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of Articles 32, 33, and 47 of the Administrative Procedure Act.
The personnel referred to in the preceding paragraph shall keep confidential the content of the deliberation case and relevant discussion matters.
Article 12
When a medical institution submits an application according to Article 7, the central competent authority shall review the required documents and qualifications in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations; those approved by the Review Team shall be approved by the central competent authority and announced.
In addition to the qualifications specified in Article 3, the following matters shall be considered when the Review Team in the preceding paragraph is deliberating:
1. Regional service needs and regional balance of municipalities and counties (cities).
2. The capacity and quality of integrated services for the diagnosis and treatment of occupational injuries and diseases in the medical institutions under review.
During the validity period of the approval, if the application materials are changed, the approved medical institution shall report to the central competent authority for reference.
An accredited medical institution that has been approved by the municipal or county (city) competent health authority to change its business license number shall re-apply for approval to the central competent authority without being limited by the application period of Paragraph 1 of Article 7; Its approval procedure shall follow the Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2.
Article 13
The approval of an accredited medical institution is valid for a maximum period of three years.
Accredited medical institutions that plan to continue the process after the expiration of the validity period of the previous approval, and the original approval conditions have not changed, should provide the documents in Paragraph 2 of Article 7 and participate in the Article 17 training by the 90 days before the expiration of the validity period of approval. Then apply for the approval renewal application.
Data Source:Ministry of Labor / Law Source Retrieving System Labor Laws And Regulations