Chapter Five Temporary Work Allowance

Article 27
If an unemployed middle-aged person or an unemployed elderly person who has any of the following situations has registered employment request in person with the public employment service agency which subsequently offers employment counseling and employment referral, the public employment service agency may dispatch the said person to the recruiting unit to work on a temporary job and the said unemployed person may receive the temporary job allowance from the said agency.
1. If the said person has not been referred to a job 14 days after he or she registers employment request; or
2. If the said person has legitimate reason for not accepting the referred job.
The persons which are eligible for receiving the allowance from the public employment service agency in the preceding paragraph shall be similarly governed by Article 3 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Employment Promotion Allowance.
The legitimate reason, the recruiting unit and the allowance disbursement method prescribed in Paragraph One shall be similarly governed by Paragraphs Two to Four of Article 10 of the
Regulations for the Implementation of the Employment Promotion Allowance.
Article 28
The payment criteria for the allowance in the preceding article shall be based on the minimum wage per hour announced by the central competent authority which shall not exceed the minimum wage per month, subject to the maximum period of six months.
Article 29
The documents and information required for the recruiting unit’s application for the allowance shall be similarly governed by Article 11 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Employment Promotion Allowance.
If an unemployed middle-aged person or an unemployed elderly person applies for and receives the allowance set forth in Article 27, matters related to leaves of absence and days off shall be similarly governed by Article 13 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Employment Promotion Allowance.
The public employment service agency’s inspections on the recruiting unit and the termination of the recruiting unit’s plan shall be similarly governed by Articles 14 and 15 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Employment Promotion Allowance.
In the event that an unemployed middle-aged person or an unemployed elderly person applies for the allowance set forth in Article 27, the revocation, cancellation, suspension or rejection of paying the temporary work allowance shall be similarly governed by Article 16 of the Regulations for the Implementation of Employment Promotion with Employment Insurance.
The recruiting unit’s application for insurance coverage for the unemployed person shall be similarly governed by Article 17 of the Regulations for the Implementation of Employment Promotion with Employment Insurance.
Article 30
The number of temporary job allowances which are received by a person under these regulations, the Regulations for the Implementation of the Employment Promotion Allowances and the Regulations for the Implementation Regulations for Employment Promotion with Employment Insurance shall be added up and the maximum period to receive the said allowance shall not exceed six months in a two-year period.
Data Source:Ministry of Labor / Law Source Retrieving System Labor Laws And Regulations