Chapter 7 Reporting of Occupational Injuries and Diseases.

Article 39
The central competent authority shall establish and announce an occupational injury and diseases notification system as a reference for occupational injury and disease information collection, statistics and prevention, and evaluation of occupational injury and disease labor rehabilitation services.
The format of the reporting of occupational injury and disease in the preceding paragraph and other matters to be followed shall be announced by the central competent authority.
Article 40
The occupational injury and disease diagnosis and treatment integrated service center of an accredited medical institution shall handle the contents of occupational injury and disease notification, which shall include the following items:
1. Basic information of the case: name, personal ID number, name of injury and disease, and contact information.
2. Notification of occupational diseases: information on disease diagnosis, occupational exposure, time series, epidemiological literature and other influencing factors.
3. Notification of occupational injury: information on the diagnosis of injury and disease, the type of occupational injury and the occurrence process.
The collection of the information in the preceding paragraph shall be the responsibility of the specialists in occupational medicine and the case specialists of occupational injuries and diseases in accredited medical institutions, and shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act.
The occupational injury and disease diagnosis and treatment integrated service center of an Accredited Medical Institution shall provide analysis reports on the contents of occupational injury and disease notification handled by it.
Article 41
The accredited medical institution shall report to the occupational injury and disease reporting system within ten working days after the case is confirmed as an occupational injury or disease.
Article 42
Employers, medical service organizations other than the Occupational Injury and Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Integrated Service Centers of Accredited Medical Institutions or other personnel, who know that the worker has suffered from occupational injury or disease, and the worker who has suffered from occupational injury or disease, may report the name of the injury or disease case, the name of the identification document, the name of the injury or disease, and the contact information. Information such as the method and the informant shall be reported to the occupational injury and disease reporting system, so as to provide the necessary services and assistance measures for the worker in a timely manner.
Data Source:Ministry of Labor / Law Source Retrieving System Labor Laws And Regulations