Article 1
The Regulations are enacted in accordance with Paragraph 6, Article 28 of the Labor Standards Act.
Article 2
The Management Committee of the Wage Arrears Payment Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) of the Ministry of Labor (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) shall be composed of 13-15 members. The position of chairperson shall be concurrently held by a Deputy Minister or Vice Minister of the Ministry of Labor; the remaining members being concurrently appointed (recruited) by the Ministry of Labor shall consist of the following:
1.One MOL representative;
2.One MOEA representative;
3.One MOF representative;
4.Two representatives of special municipalities or county/city government;
5.Two labor representatives;
6.Two management representatives;
7.Three to five experts and scholars.
The gender ratio for both sexes in the committee shall not fall below 1/3.
Article 3
A committee member shall serve a two-year term that may be renewed upon completion of the term. However, a member representing a government authority or a group shall relinquish or assume his/her position on the committee in conjunction with his/her full-time position.
Article 4
The duties of the Committee include the following:
1.To deliberate on the Fund’s annual plans and operation reports;
2.To review and improve the Fund’s operations;
3.To deliberate on the Fund’s annual budgets and final accounts;
4.To review the Fund’s revenues and expenditures;
5.Other matters.
The Committee will not publish any documents to the public. All matters resolved by the Committee shall first be approved by the Ministry of Labor before they are implemented.
Article 5
The Committee shall have an executive secretary, a position that is to be held concurrently by the director of the Department of Labor Standards and Equal Employment of the Ministry of Labor. Staff members of the Committee will be appointed by the MOL. The Ministry of Labor is in charge of overall planning regarding the Committee’s administration and management, while relevant competent authorities are to oversee the personnel, budgets and final accounts, property management, and other affairs of the Committee.
Article 6
In principle, the Committee will hold a meeting every six months; extraordinary meetings will be held if they are considered necessary. All meetings are to be convened by the chairperson.
All committee members shall attend the meeting in person and may not have another person attend the meeting on his/her behalf.
Article 7
Each meeting must be attended by more than half the members, and any resolution reached at the meeting must be approved by over two-thirds of the members in attendance.
Article 8
Representatives from the Bureau of Labor Insurance, Ministry of Labor and other relevant authorities may be invited to a meeting convened by the Committee.
Article 9
Committee member positions are unpaid positions; however, non-MOL members shall be paid concurrent serving fees and transportation fees in accordance with regulations.
Article 10
The Regulations shall become effective on the date of promulgation.
Data Source:Ministry of Labor / Law Source Retrieving System Labor Laws And Regulations