
發文字號(NO.): Lao-Chi-Guan No. 1010504602
發文日期(Announced Date): 2012.04.09
Qualifications and Criteria Standards for foreigners undertaking the jobs specified under Article 46.1.1 to 46.1.6 of the Employment Service Act
Decree by the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan
Date: April 9, 2012
Issue No.: Lao-Chi-Guan-Tze No. 1010504602
The “multi-national company” referred to in Subparagraph 3 of Article 5 of the “Qualifications and criteria standards for foreigners undertaking the jobs specified under Article 46.1.1 to 46.1.6 of the Employment Services Act” means an economic entity which has set up a subsidiary or branch company in two or more countries, and has its parent company or headquarters in a foreign country and consolidates policies effectively to engage in multi-national production and operation, and has also set up a subsidiary or branch company in the territory of Taiwan and complies with any of the following requirements:
1. Possesses assets amounting to at least US$2 billion globally within one year prior to the application;
2. Possesses the certification letter of the range of the enterprise operational headquarter issued by the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs;
3. Hires more than 100 employees domestically, including more than 50 employees who possess at least a junior college level academic degree;
4. Generates annual net operating income amounting to at least NT$1 billion domestically;
5. Generates annual net operating income amounting to at least NT$1.5 billion regionally;
6. Any other circumstances specially approved by the central competent authority in consultation with the central authority in charge of the business.