
Regulations on Subsidy and Standards for Establishing Breastfeeding (Breast Milk Collection) Rooms, Childcare Facilities and Measures(2024.08.27) Chinese

Amended Article 4 promulgated by the Letter of Lao-Dong-Fu-1- No.1130153424A of the Ministry of Labor on August 27, 2024.
Article 4 Employers may apply for subsidies in accordance with the following standards and provisions:
(1) Breastfeeding (breast milk collection) rooms: A maximum subsidy of NT$20,000.
(2) Childcare facilities:
(a) For newly constructed facilities: A maximum subsidy of NT$5,000,000.
(b) For existing facilities: A maximum subsidy of NT$500,000 per year for the improvement or renewal of childcare facility costs.
(3)Employers employing or entrusting childcare providers at designated locations to provide childcare services for the children of their employees: A maximum subsidy of NT$600,000 per year.
(4)A maximum amount of NT$600,000 a year for employers whose employees send their children to childcare service institutions for care which are subsidized by employers.
Subsidy items of childcare facilities referred to in subparagraph 2 of the preceding Paragraph include childcare amusement facilities, kitchen facilities, hygiene and health facilities, public safety facilities, educational facilities, safety facilities within dedicated kindergarten vehicles and breastfeeding or breast milk collecting facilities.
Subsidy items of childcare service referred to in Subparagraph 3, Paragraph 1 include childcare amusement facilities, sleep breaks, safety protection, bathing, preparing meals and other facilities and equipment.
Childcare service institutions referred to in Subparagraph 4, Paragraph 1 are not limited to those who have signed contracts with employers.