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Title: Standards for Disability Benefits of Labor Insurance Ch
Date: 2008.12.25 ( Announced )
Date: 2022.03.30 ( Modified )
1. All nine articles enacted and promulgated per Council for Labor of Labor Affairs Order No. 0970140672 on Dec. 25, 2008 to take effect on Jan. 1, 2009
2. Amendment to Article 9 and the table attached to Article 3 promulgated per Council of Labor Affairs Order No. 0990140449 on Oct. 8, 2010 taking effect on the day of announcement
3. Amendment to the table attached to Article 3 promulgated per Council of Labor Affairs Order No. 1000140356 on Oct. 17, 2011
4. Amendment to Articles 4 and 9 and addition of Article 4-1 promulgated per Council of Labor Affairs Order No. 1020140355 on May 22, 2013 to take effect on Aug. 13, 2013
5. Article 4-1, 8 and attached Standards for Article 3 amended and promulgated in Order Number Lao-Dong-Bao-3-Tze-1040140496 by Ministry of Labor on September 15, 2015
6. Attached Standards for Article 3 amended and promulgated in Order Number Lao-Dong-Bao-3-Tze-1090140472A by Ministry of Labor on October 21, 2020
7. Amended on Mar. 30. 2022.