
No. Date Law Name
1. 2003.12.31 Regulation for Technician Certification and Licensing
2. 2005.12.30 Regulations for Skills Certification and Licensing
3. 2008.12.26 Regulations for Skills Certification and Licensing
4. 2009.10.19 Regulation for Technician Certification and Licensing
5. 2010.11.24 Regulation for Technician Certification and Licensing
6. 2011.11.18 Regulations on Technician Skills Certification and Issuance of Certificates
7. 2013.01.23 Regulations on Technician Skills Certification and Issuance of Certificates
8. 2014.01.10 Regulations on Technician Skills Certification and Issuance of Certificates
9. 2014.12.19 Regulations on Technician Skills Certification and Issuance of Certificates
10. 2015.12.07 Regulations on Technician Skills Certification and Issuance of Certificates
11. 2017.10.03 Regulations on Technician Skills Certification and Issuance of Certificates
12. 2019.08.27 Regulations on Technician Skills Certification and Issuance of Certificates
13. 2021.01.20 Regulations on Technician Skills Certification and Issuance of Certificates
14. 2023.01.11 Regulations on Technician Skills Certification and Issuance of Certificates