
Employment Insurance Act(2009.04.22) Chinese

Amended on April 22 2009
Article 11

Application for the various benefits in accordance with this Act is subject to the following conditions:
1. Unemployment benefits: The insured person has accumulated at least one year of insurance enrollment within the three years previous to the insured person's involuntary separation from employment and withdrawal from the insurance program while the public employment agency with which the insured person has registered for job placement has failed to find work or arrange vocational training for the insured person within 14 days in spite of the insured person's ability as well as willingness to work .
2. The early reemployment incentive: The insured person meets the criteria for claiming unemployment benefits, finds work before the stipulated period of unemployment benefit claim expires, and has been enrolled in the employment insurance program for at least three months.
3. The vocational training living allowance: The insured person has left work involuntarily, registered with a public employment agency for job placement, and accepted the arrangement of the public employment agency to participate in full-time vocational training.
4. The parental leave allowance: The insured person has accumulated at east one year of insurance enrollment, has children under three years of age, and is on parental leave without pay according to the regulation of the Act of Gender Equality in Employment.
An insured person separated from employment at the termination of his or her fixed-term contract, unable to find employment for over one month, and having been under the said contract for at least six months within the year before employment separation is regarded as having left work involuntarily and the regulations in the preceding paragraph shall apply.
The so-called involuntarily separation from employment prescribed in this Act refers to separation from employment because the insured unit has closed down, relocated, suspended business, dissolved, or filed bankruptcy, or separation from employment due to one of the causes prescribed in Article 11, the proviso of Article 13, Article 14 and Article 20 of the Labor Standards Act.