
Labor Union Act(2021.04.28) Chinese

14.The amendments to Article 17 were made and promulgated via the Presidential Order under Hua-Zong-1-Yi-Zi No. 1100038691 dated April 28, 2021, which shall be enforced on the date set by the Executive Yuan Promulgated by the Order of the Executive Yuan No. 1100016251 on May 28, 2021 and the Act shall become effective on july 1, 2021
Article 17
A labor union shall have directors and supervisors, and their number shall be as follows:
1. In case a labor union has members less than five hundred, it shall have five to nine directors; in case its members are more than five hundred, it can have two more directors for every additional five hundred of members. However, the total number of directors shall not exceed twenty-seven in any event.
2. The total number of directors of a confederated labor union shall not exceed fifty-one.
3. The number of supervisors of a labor union shall not exceed one-third that of its directors.
In case the number of directors or supervisors prescribed in the preceding paragraph is three or more, a labor union may elect standing directors or supervisors in accordance with its union charter and the number shall not exceed one-third of its directors or supervisors. A labor union may have at least one alternate director or supervisor and the number shall not exceed one-half of its directors or supervisors.
A labor union shall have one chairperson of the board of directors to represent it officially in external affairs, it may also have a deputy chairperson if required. Chairperson and deputy chairperson shall be directors of the labor union.
In case a labor union has three or more supervisors, it shall have a board of supervisors and a chairperson of the board. The chairperson of the board of supervisor shall execute the resolutions of the board and attend without voting rights in the meeting of the board of directors.